Tuesday, October 07, 2008

My Dearest Stefan

Dear Stefan,

Can you get serious over your work!!
You should know it by now that you are so busy!!
Heaps of assignments and Spring Feast on Thursday!!
But look at what you are doing now!!
writing this blog and pracically destroting yourself!!
Can you be more serious over your work!!!
Can you do yourself that favour!!
Maybe, you need some 'puffies' outside before working again...
But Whatever!!
'Puffies' don't help you in the Long term
All you have to depend on is self-motivation..
You promised yourself that you wanna take honours!!
but wheres the action!!
Now, get going and do you work!!
Stefan, I know that you are capable of doing this!!
You are smart, you know it yourself!!
NOW GO!!!!

Yours sincerely,

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