Thursday, September 06, 2007

Can we blame God!!!

I recently lost my bike and it gave me a big blow on my head... I cried to my mom when i told her that i lad lost my bike... I am tempted to think that God is the one to blame?? But when I looked back, wait a minute, it couldnt be God!!

Despite our tendecy to say : JESUS CHRIST!!!

It is not a very sensible word to say as how could God do evil things... its totally illogical to me... Remember, God is the God of love, protection and he is against evil vices such as stealing.... No matter what excuses you gave... that couldn't be God... There's simply no way that he could do such things... thats totally ridiculous and impossible!!!

the holy spirit didn't move people to do evil things such as stealing or murdering... Instead, with the holy spirit in you... You are able to do many great things that many peope can't... For example, serving the lord and helping other people...

its not right... Its actually the devil's attempt so that you could doubt God by telling you that its is God's fault after he actually caused you those misfortunes... He hates you and wants you to get you into trouble and most importantly to get you out of God's way and his directions...

So, its not God who caused you misfortunes... thus, we should never condemn god by using his name in vain... i just hope that this will be a blessing to you to help you understand that blaming God is simply not right in a logical manner... God Bless You!!!


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